The Enchanted Forest



Created at:
- The Nature, Art, and Habitat Residency in Sottochiesa, Italy

Exhibited by:
- The Other Art Fair 2021
- FEMMEBIT Twitch Stream “Nature Club” 2020
- Spring Break Art Fair, Los Angeles CA, 2020
- FEMMEBIT Fest Los Angeles CA, 2019
- The Night Gallery, Chicago IL, 2018

“The International Space Station ✞ will be visible from Sottochiesa, Italy for 4 min. Max Height: 70 degrees, Appears: NW, Disappears: SE.” [Received Tuesday 11:57am, Wednesday 10:57am, Thursday 9:57am, Thursday 11:57am, Friday 10:57am…] -- Text Message from SpotTheStation

From satellite ✞ sensors to virtual reality content, forests are being scanned, replicated, and rendered to resolve our current climate reality and to escape into an entirely different one. The Enchanted Forest: Satellite Canopies & Digital Understories documents the movement of a forest monitoring sensor on the International Space Station ✞ and imagines how our networked landscapes, seasons, and internal bodily rhythms might be transformed by these new celestial technologies. Combining a site located in Sottochiesa Italy, interviews with Agronomist Patrizio Musitell, satellite locator applications, and popular VR forest environments, the short film proposes a 4-minute ecosystem that appears and disappears with the passing of the International Space Station ✞, our new artificial moon. Within each 4-minute scanning season (the average consumption time of a song or YouTube video), VR visitors migrate, drawn into the fleeting landscape.

final video

HOUSE interaction design LLC