Practice in Place

Pervasive technology enables us to have a view from anywhere and simultaneously no where within our information landscapes. My design practice involves the creation of speculative places that offer a view from which to question, contest, and reimagine emerging technology's role within our everyday lives. Research based, my work links today’s world with an imagined one, examining scientific test sites, the appropriation of place, and the cultural implications that emerge from outside interactions.

Using place as a platform, I am interested in constructing test sites for research, mediation, and unexpected speculation. Test site are contained spaces that visualize critical design research, explore possible futures, and become places of public engagement. Using test sites as a critical design tool, my research is translated through a series of narratives that take form as both digital and physical places. I utilize my background in industrial design, interaction design, information architecture, to deploy speculative simulations, models, and installations. Each place is explored through various scales and forms of public engagement.